This blog will provide students of Organizational Communication, a weekly class of the College of New Rochelle in downtown Manhattan, a space for discussion, contemplation and general communication musings. The course syllabus and schedule can be found here as well as weekly class journal postings. Side bar links will lead to additional class readings and resources to assist students with the completion of a semester-long organizational communication project. Good luck and enjoy the lesson!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Week One: Introduction

This week's lesson lingered on introductions and a brief discussion of the project that will make up the majority of this semester's work load. Each student will be required to complete a three-part Organizational Communication project in addition to weekly postings to this blog. The project will be divided into: 1) the theoretical research paper; 2) the communication audit; and 3) the life arts project. Weekly journals must be posted to this site. Simply review the question below; select the "Comments" link; type your response in the text box; and click the "Publish Post" button. And, voila, you're homework assignment is complete!

Let's give it a try.

Please give at least one example of a communication problem you experienced recently while participating in an organization. How was the problem resolved? If it was not resolved, can you imagine a solution?

Course Syllabus


Wednesday 6:00-9:30 p.m. SEMESTER: Spring 2006
Prof. Jennifer Heuson -
Office hours: Wednesdays 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. and by appointment

This seminar explores the structure and function of communication in modern, industrialized human organizations. Students will analyze information flow patterns – horizontal, upward, downward, and network patterns and how such patterns influence social and power relationships. Students will also examine the four general functions of communication in the organization such as innovation, organization performance, organization maintenance, and the human function. Students will learn how roles, functions, and organizational effectiveness are influenced by communication. They will also become familiar with the standards of organizational communication audits as prescribed by the International Communication Association (ICA). Authors to be read include: Grunig, Drucker, Weik, Redding, Jablin, and others.
A Life Arts Project is required.

Course Objectives
1. Recognize, chart and analyze flow patterns of information in organizational structures.
2. Understand how patterns of communication impact organization performance through the creation of social and power relationships.
3. Identify and critique current organizational communication theories and practice applying theoretical frameworks to communication case studies.
4. Create case studies to identify and resolve communication problems.
5. Learn to use ICA standard communication audits to conduct original research.
6. Synthesize theoretical and practical investigations to offer communication solutions.
7. Reflect upon the human component of communication and learn to integrate the human AND the network functions of information flow.

Course Requirements
• Students are expected to complete all required reading assignments.
• Students are expected to post weekly journals on the class website.
• Students are required to attend and fully participate in every seminar.
• Students are expected to turn in a Life Arts Project, including a research paper and a communication audit, on schedule.
• Late projects will NOT be accepted.

LAP 25%, Research Paper 15%, Communication Audit 15%, Mid-Term Presentation 5%, Final Presentation 15%, Weekly Journal Assignments 10%, Class Participation/Attendance 15%
• Mid-term presentations will be limited to five minutes and will be discussed in advance.
• Final presentation will be limited to twenty minutes.
• Presentations cannot be rescheduled.
• Journal assignments MUST be completed on a weekly basis. Late posts will NOT be accepted
and will result in a ZERO for the week.
• Students are responsible for the material covered in class and, therefore, expected to attend all class meetings.
• Students who miss a class will be expected to complete reading and journal assignments for that week. Students will be allowed one unexcused absence. Each additional absence will require make-up work.
• Students are expected to be in the classroom when the class begins, at the top of the hour, and to stay for the entire period. Students who leave before the period has ended will be counted absent.
• The use of cellular phones is prohibited in class.

Required Text
Modaff, Daniel P. and Sue DeWine. Organizational Communication:
Foundations, Challenges, and Misunderstandings. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2002.

Additional Reading
(Any edition of the two texts below is acceptable. Online versions are available.)
Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1986.
Tzu, Sun. The Art of War. NY: Barnes and Noble, 2003.

Class Schedule and Assignment Due Dates

WEEK ONE: Introduction
Discuss course objectives, schedule, syllabus, assignments and readings. Introduce and discuss three-part Organizational Communication Project: 1) research paper; 2) communication audit; and 3) the life arts project. Review writing requirements, and discuss online class journal.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 1
Project homework: Complete LAP worksheet.
Reading: Find one article related to the communication audit (extra credit).

WEEK TWO: The Communication Audit
Discuss the communication audit, including its purposes, methods and results. Introduce the International Communication Association and its standards. Complete a sample audit writing assignment to assess skill level of students.
Watch The Office – episode one.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 2
Project homework: Complete LAP contract.
Reading: International Communication Association handouts

WEEK THREE: The Classical Theories
Introduce the field of Organizational Communications and the classical theories of Taylor, Fayol and Weber. Explore the core notion of misunderstanding in the organization. Discuss what a communication case study is and examine first study. Watch The Office – episode two.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 3
Project homework: Complete OC project and LAP proposals.
Reading: Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 3 – 38.

WEEK FOUR: Humanistic and Systems Theories
Introduce human relations and systems theories as applied to the organization. Discuss The Hawthorne Studies,
Chester Barnard, Douglas McGregor, Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. Examine a second case study. Watch The Office – episode three.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 4
Project homework: Begin work on part 1 – the research paper.
Reading: Chapters 3 and 4, pp. 39 – 80.

WEEK FIVE: Organizational Culture and Critical Theory
Introduce the notion of organizational culture, and discuss the critical theories of Schein, Habermas, Cheney and Deetz. Examine a third case study. Watch The Office – episode four.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 5
Project homework: Prepare Part I workshop presentation.
Reading: Chapters 5, pp. 81 - 104.

Students will present their works-in-progress to the class. The presentation will count as the midterm. Students will critique classmates’ work and review proper citation methods. Students will practice communication flow charts and discuss any remaining theory questions. Watch The Office – episode five.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 6
Project homework: Complete Part I, the research paper – due week seven.
Reading: The research paper MUST include a minimum of six sources.

WEEK SEVEN: GUEST – The Communicative Organization
Guest lecturer Mr. Ryan Alford will present The Legal Organization. Lecturer will introduce the communicative structure of the New York State District Appellate Court. Communicative Organization and Talk-as-Action theories will be introduced and discussed.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 7
Project homework: Part 1 (research paper) due – five pages plus bibliography.
Reading: Chapter 6, pp. 105 – 119.

WEEK EIGHT: Realistic Recruitment and the Socialization of New Members
Introduce methods of recruitment and socialization commonly used by organizations. Focus on organizational behavior and assimilation and introduce Jablin and Weiner. Examine a third case study. Watch The Office 2 – episode one.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 8
Project homework: Begin communication audit.
Reading: Chapters 7 and 8, pp. 123 – 155.

WEEK NINE: GUEST – Conflict in the Organization
Introduce the evolution and resolution of internal and external organizational conflicts. Examine theories from Blake, Mouton and Van Slyke. Chart an organizational conflict. Discuss Tzu’s strategies of warfare. Examine a fourth case study. Watch The Office 2 – episode two.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 9
Project homework: Continue communication audit.
Reading: Chapter 9, pp. 157 - 171.

WEEK TEN: FIELD TRIP - Public Relations
Students will attend a Center for Communication seminar hosted by The New School's Media Studies Program. The seminar will cover three topics: Public Relations; Breaking into PR; and PR Case Studies.
Writing homework: journal assignment 10
Project homework: Continue communication audit.
Reading: The Art of War by Sun Tzu, all pages.

WEEK ELEVEN: Superior-Subordinate Communication
Discuss superior-subordinate communication flows and power relations. Examine theories byMachiavelli and Tzu. Focus on Leader-Member Exchange theory. Examine a fifth case study. Watch The Office 2 – episode three.
Writing homework: journal assignment 11
Project homework: Prepare to present Part II in next week’s class workshop.
Reading: Chapter 10, pp. 173 – 192.

Students will present their works-in-progress to the class. Students will critique classmates’ work and review proper citation methods and standardization of communication audits. Students will discuss remaining concerns about organizational conflict. Watch The Office – episode four.
Writing homework: journal assignment 12
Project homework: Complete communication audits. Begin Life Arts Project.
Reading: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, all pages.

WEEK THIRTEEN: Peer, Co-Worker and Team Communication
Discuss peer and team communication flows, interpersonal relationships and power significance. Examine theories of social exchange, relationship development and GroupThink. Examine a sixth case study. Watch The Office 2 – episode five.
Writing homework: journal assignment 13
Project homework: Part II (the communication audit) is due – approximately five pages.
Reading: Chapters 11 and 12, pp. 193 – 226.

WEEK FOURTEEN: Conclusion – What is Organizational Communication?
Discuss outstanding questions and summarize theories, methodologies and resolutions learned throughout the course. Resolve any final LAP questions. Watch The Office 2 – episode six.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 14
Project homework: Continue Life Arts Project.
Reading: Chapter 13, pp. 227 – 242.

WEEK FIFTEEN: FIELD TRIP (tba) - Techonology in the Organization
Class will visit a public organization to explore the role of technology in organizational communication.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 15
Project homework: Part III (the Life Arts Project) is due – approximately ten pages.
Reading: Complete any outstanding texts.

Students will present final Organizational Communications and Life Arts projects.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 16
Project homework: Final Organizational Communication Project is due (parts I, II, and III) – approximately 20 pages, including an annotated bibliography.
Reading: none

Students will present final Organizational Communications and Life Arts projects.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 17
Project homework: none
Reading: none

Students will present final Organizational Communications and Life Arts projects.
Writing homework: Journal Assignment 18
Project homework: none
Reading: none